Up and Running by John Stewart
November 5, 2008, 4:33 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

We are finally up and running.  Check out the Journal at www.hydrajournal.com

We are looking for submissions and people interested in being editors, reviewers, or book reviewers.  Email me (John Stewart, editor) at editor@hydrajournal.com

Also, please change any hyper links that you might have to our new address.

Another reference from the blogosphere by John Stewart
August 22, 2008, 6:53 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

We got a nice mention from John Lynch in his recent “Big List” blog entry. Our journal appeared alongside Toronto’s Spontaneous Generations as important online journals in the field.

We are close to being fully online. I’m currently trying to finalize some of the aesthetics of the site and get the technical issues with the hosts worked out. We are still on pace to be up and running by the end of the month.

Finalizing web site for Hydra by John Stewart
August 7, 2008, 9:50 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I’m currently getting the Hydra site together and am approaching the point where I can publish it to the web.  The site will be powered by the Drupal content management system; if anyone happens to be an expert with Drupal, let me know.

Hopefully the site will be up and running by the end of August.  We are going to be broadcasting a call for papers as loudly as possible this fall and hope to have the first online peer reviewed articles up in the spring.

Stay tuned for the site’s release.

New Splash Page by John Stewart
May 3, 2008, 11:12 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I finally got the splash page up at our future home http://ou.edu/hydra

If anyone has suggestions for alternate color schemes, let me know. I like the one that’s up, but it’s relatively easy to change if we want to rotate through some different looks.

With that up, the next step is to create information about the different units that will eventually be implemented: journal articles, wikis, blogs, podcasts, theses abstracts, etc. Over the summer I hope to get everything programmed and to make it all a coherent, integrated site.

In related news, we received a positive reference from Will Thomas at Ether Wave Propaganda, “I’m really interested to see what the University of Oklahoma gang does with their Hydra online grad student journal/website.”

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes, April 16, 2008 by Kathleen Sheppard
April 14, 2008, 5:24 pm
Filed under: JUNTO, Minutes

Members present: John, Lisa, Jackie, Kate

We met to discuss the JUNTO meeting in Minneapolis and how Hydra did at the meeting. Lisa and John said that the graduate students who presented at the meeting seemed very interested in publishing in the journal. They passed out fliers and we understand that other graduate students in other departments will publicize Hydra at other schools.

John talked about getting the splash page up and running, but we first have to fill out the paperwork with OU IT so that we can get our domain name.

In preparation for getting submissions from students soon, Kate will prepare an editor checklist rough draft. She was supposed to do this before, but she dropped the ball. Slacker.

We adjourned and left the next meeting time and place open.

Committee Meeting, March 26, 2008 by Kathleen Sheppard
March 27, 2008, 7:56 am
Filed under: JUNTO, Minutes, Open meeting

Members Present: John, Lisa, Kate, Jackie

This meeting was mainly about finishing preparations for the open meeting on Friday, March 28 at Cafe Plaid at 9:30 AM, to which all History of Science students are invited.  We discussed the Guidelines for Submission, the online submission form, the splash page layout and the flier design.

John will bring the vision statement to the meeting and present it.  Kate will revise and reprint the Guidelines for submission and have them ready for John to put on the splash page as well as have them for the students to respond to. Finally, Jackie will show the informational flier that she has designed for distribution to students especially at JUNTO next week (see post below for information about JUNTO).

We all have revisions and things to get ready for Friday.  We hope that everyone who can will show up and that people will come ready to listen, ask questions, give suggestions and some constructive criticism.

We adjourned until Friday.  See you there!

Art and Imagery by John Stewart
March 19, 2008, 4:06 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Our chief of visual design (sole person with artistic talent), T. Russell Hunter, is currently working on the logo and artwork for the journal. When he finishes, we’ll get some digital copies up and try to get the flyers and splash page worked up.

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes, March 12, 2008 by Kathleen Sheppard
March 12, 2008, 4:07 pm
Filed under: flyers, JUNTO, Minutes

Members Present: John, Lisa, Jackie, Kate

This meeting began with a discussion of informational flyers for JUNTO. Many of the OU HSCI students are planning on attending the Midwest JUNTO in Minneapolis, 4-6 April 2008 and we would like to get our information to the graduate students there. We discussed a design, which Jackie will be working on, and a logo which we hope will be designed by Russell Hunter. John also will get the HYDRA splash page working soon so it will be available by the time JUNTO gets here. Lisa will check the HSA OU email account in the hopes that we will use it for the journal.

We next discussed the editorial process, and Jackie presented a well-organized flow of editing, review and information. We all concurred that Jackie’s ideas were really good. We will need a lot of editors to help us, but hope to get these organized soon. Kate said she would work on the submission guidelines for articles and reviews as well as work on the editorial checklist and flow-charts.

We want to call an open HYDRA meeting for all of the OU HSCI graduate students to see what we are doing, ask questions, and give their input. The tentative date is Friday, 28 April, in the morning. Lisa said that she would email the concrete information to everyone. We really want to see everyone there.

The meeting closed with a decision to get all of our work done over spring break, and meet again Wednesday 26 March, place TBA.

If you have any additions to these minutes or questions about them, please leave a comment or email me. Thank you.

Kate Sheppard

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes, March 7, 2008 by Kathleen Sheppard
March 10, 2008, 12:55 pm
Filed under: Minutes | Tags: ,

Members present: John, Lisa, Jackie, Kate

Faculty Members: Dr. Livesey

We invited Dr. Livesey to join this particular meeting because we wanted to talk to him about departmental approval for this journal.  We felt that, before we could go much further, we needed some kind of official OU history of science department faculty to agree with our project.  He approved it, but also noted that we should take our ideas to the whole department, students as well as faculty, at a meeting.

We introduced the journal and discussed its various components: online only; wikis; podcasts; articles; reviews; discussions; thesis and dissertation abstracts; and more.

John showed us all the probable website and discussed what we could do.  Lisa discussed the list of names we had narrowed down to, and have since voted on.  Jackie discussed our vision, or mission statements.  Throughout the meeting, we came back to goals, both short and long term, in order to demonstrate our vision for the journal in the next five years.

Dr. Livesey had a lot of questions and even more good advice about editorial boards, advertising from publishers and at conferences and the like.

Since we now have some approval, we feel we can move on to the next stage.  This week, we are all to be thinking about an editorial process.  Also, with Midwest JUNTO on the horizon, we must also decide on advertising and publicity.  We will be talking about these at the next meeting, Wednesday March 12, 2008 at Louie’s.  We hope to have many things organized so we can present a coherent plan to the department at the beginning of the fall.  These are our short term goals.

These are the minutes as I took them.  If anyone has questions or things they wish to add, email me or post a comment.  Thanks!

Finally, a name by John Stewart
March 9, 2008, 6:09 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

After much debate and popular vote, we have a journal name. Barring unforeseen contingencies, the name of our journal will be HYDRA: The Online Graduate Journal in the History of Science. I think HYDRA has a slightly better ring to it than GORJ, but the working title will be missed.  Now to redo the header.